Accomodation in Caorle and in Lignano

For the accommodations in CAORLE, you can contact :

For the accommodations in LIGNANO, please contact BB-SEA crew if you want to stay at the Bella Italia Village:


2025caorle senza fond


A Payment of a first deposit of 200 is required to fix the spot and confirm the registration of your team. Please use one of the payment options available here and send us the receipt via mail at

Balance payment to be sent and received at least 2,5 weeks before coming. No deposit refund on a very last cancellation (10 days)

All athletes participating in BB-SEA events do so at their own risk, and take full responsibility for any injuries sustained. It is understood that all athletes are personally responsible for their own health, personal safety, and level of fitness. Athletes are also responsibile for the safety of others when they play (in the event of violent contact, each player is responsibile for any injury).
The organizers (BB-Sea) cannot be held responsible for any injury or illness resulting from participation at its events.


By car

By far the majority of you will arrive to Caorle or Lignano by car. Italy has an extensive Motorway Network. If you have a vehicle, you can reach Caorle using the highway A4/E70 and the exit called San Donà-Noventa; then you have 28km up to Caorle (30 min). For Lignano you can use same motorway Autostrada A4/E70, the exit of Latisana and then follow Lignano (19km, about 20 minuti).

By train

You can reach Caorle or Lignano by Train + bus. Correct station is Portogruaro for Caorle and Latisana for Lignano (Venezia/Trieste line), several times daily.
See Rail track’s TRENITALIA web-site for more information and train times. Once in Portogruaro or Latisana station, change for coach ATVO. up to Caorle (25 min) or Lignano (30 min) city.

By bus

You also can reach Caorle and Lignano by Coach. ATVO coaches offer regular services to both cities. They have many special offers and deals, as well as disabled facilities and scheduled coaches to and from Venice Airport “M.Polo” and Treviso Airport “S.Angelo”. For more information on fares and timetable go to ATVO website.

By airplane

1 – Venezia, Marco Polo (tel. 041.260.6111), Change for coach ATVO. (tel. 043143140) .
2 – Aeroporto di Treviso (tel. 0422.315.111), Change for coach ATVO. (tel. 043143140) .
3 – Trieste, Ronchi dei Legionari (tel. 040631484).

By sailing-ship to Caorle

Porto Caorle > Nautical coordinates:  45° 36′ 10.886″ N 12° 53′ 9.452″ E


Please send us the full payment of your complete team/s (team fee + all players fee and only in Euro please). Bibione accomodations  are not to be paid here.
Please, IMPORTANT, as comments and reason of your payment (on the credit), always write the name of the team you are paying for!



Bank: Monte dei Paschi di Siena – Agency of 50031 Barberino di Mugello (FI)
Account: 631382. 71
IBAN: IT 75 A 01030 37731 000063138271
BIC Swift code: PASCITM1K90
ABI/CAB: 01030 / 37731
BBAN code: A 01030 37731 000063138271
ACCOUNT OWNER: Ass. Sport. Dilett. BB SEA

If you wish to send a CHEQUE, make it payable to:

Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica BB SEA
and send it to this address:

Ass. Sport. Dilett. BB SEA
p/o Avv. Sergi Valeria
Via 7 Marzo, 95
59100 PRATO (PO)

Please, make sure you pay all the bank charges.
The deposit will not be refunded when cancellation of team’s registration occurred  10 days before event’s starting date.


1. All athletes participating in BB-SEA events do so at their own risk, and take full responsibility for any injuries sustained. It is understood that all athletes are personally responsible for their own health, personal safety, and level of fitness. Athletes are also responsibile for the safety of others when they play (in the event of violent contact, each player is responsibile for any injury).
The organizers (BB-Sea) cannot be held responsible for any injury or illness resulting from participation at its events.
2. By registring, anyone who takes part in an event organized by the ASD BB-SEA automatically allows, with unlimited validity, the use, reproduction, plublication and dissemination in any form and by any technical means of their images, pictures or video taken during all phases of the event itself.
– the publication and use of all images are to be considered carried out completely free of charge.
– all the material (photos, videos, …) can be used throughout the world and in all areas and occasions (exhibitions, competitions, screening, internet, websites, social media, advertising, press)
3. Personal data can be processed using paper and/or electronic methods in compliance with current legislation and the principles of correctness, transparency and confidentiality. From this perspective, any personal data provided will be used exclusively for purposes strictly connected and instrumental to the activity indicated. At any time it is possible to exercise the right to cancel or rectify data by sending a written communication to ASD BB-SEA